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Stephen Deluca

Culinary Consultant


Message Board

Stephen will be in your area soon! 

About Stephen

Good Day,
My name is Stephen DeLuca.
Food has been my Passion since I was a young boy.
My European upbringing has ensured that I always remain aware of the importance that Food has on one's daily life.
Quite simply, Food and Nutrition is in my DNA…literally!!
When the opportunity was presented to not only embrace the Sealand Family of Foods, but also extend the benefits through a Sales Role. It was truly a perfect match for me!!
To date, as a front line Culinary Consultant for Sealand, I have been able to touch so many wonderful people with our food as well as build and maintain many strong relationships in the process. It has been said that Direct Sales is hard work. On the contrary, I say…when you bring your Passion to Work every day, it becomes easy. I Love it !!! Life is Good…when You have Good Food 😄
Stephen DeLuca

Contact Stephen Deluca 

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